Preview Shelf by Janice Clauser
Library News and Notable New Books
Library Brunch Artists Learn New Technique - The sixth annual Blossoms & Brunch for young ladies (six and up) and their adult guests was held in the Youth Services Department at the Crawfordsville Library. Artist Lu Johnson directed the YUPO, a YoU Paint Opportunity of take-home art. Librarian Linda Brady supplied special brushes, paper, and mats. The 28 young artists and adults took home beautifully-matted watercolor art.
Toby Mac's "Under God" is one of many books recently donated to the library in memory of Gary M. Nelson. Studying the faith of our forefathers who recognized God's hand in shaping
this nation, it is a collection of short stories; it's subtitle is "Triumph and Tragedy: Stories of America's Spiritual Battle." "Open the Eyes of My Heart" is a group of daily devotions in the Songs 4 Worship series. Another donation in Nelson's memory is "Gift of Power" the life story of Archie Fire Lame Deer, a modern-day Lakota spiritual man, whose career shared his faith with many people including the Pope, the Dalai Lama, and Druids at Stonehenge. The other books in the Nelson collection are two volumes called "The American Story" from Penguin Academics and a geographical history of middle-western agriculture called "Making the Corn Belt" by John Hudson.

James Strong's "The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible" is in large print and indexes every word of the Bible. Now, there's a reference book! "When Life and Beliefs Collide" by Carolyn James shows how knowing God makes a difference during challenges, weaving stories of contemporary women with episodes from the life of Mary of Bethany. "Life in the Spirit" is a King James Version study Bible from Zondervan Publishing editors Donald Stamps and John Adams. Jesus' words are in red print. Each page has interpretations and definitions to aid understanding of the translation.
Giving is a popular subject now for method books. "The Power of Half" by Kevin Salwen tells of his family's big decision to stop taking and start giving back. In "29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving Can Change your Life" Cami Walker liked the idea and an organization was founded around the simple, daily practice of altruism.
Stephen Hall's "Wisdom" is a history from its sudden emergence in Greece, China,
Israel, and India in the 5th century B.C. to its modern manifestations in education, politics, and the workplace. It's about Buddha, Confucius, and Jesus, and also refers to recent professionals; the author realizes that "wisdom continues to elude easy understanding". "Who Switched off My Brain?" by Caroline Leaf discusses controlling toxic thoughts and emotions, and how to choose positive approaches to life.
The world of professional wrestling is covered by Ted Kluck in "Headlocks and Dropkicks
". Bounty hunter Duane "Dog" Chapman captures fugitives on A & E's "Dog the Bounty Hunter" show and here he offers a wake-up call for another shot at the good life in "Where Mercy is Shown, Mercy is Given".
Lastly, three large books would be fun to peruse in the summertime. "Paris Mon Amour" by Jean-Claude Gautrand contains text in French, German, and English side by side, and the large black and white photos make you feel like you were there when they were taken. "The Summertime Anytime Cookbook" by Dana
Slatkin contains recipes from Shutters on the Beach, a hotel in Santa Monica CA to "bring the beach to your home kitchen!" Last, John Basedow's "Fitness Made Simple" offering "3 steps, 8 weeks, 1 killer body!" includes a bonus DVD.
Library Brunch Artists Learn New Technique - The sixth annual Blossoms & Brunch for young ladies (six and up) and their adult guests was held in the Youth Services Department at the Crawfordsville Library. Artist Lu Johnson directed the YUPO, a YoU Paint Opportunity of take-home art. Librarian Linda Brady supplied special brushes, paper, and mats. The 28 young artists and adults took home beautifully-matted watercolor art.
Toby Mac's "Under God" is one of many books recently donated to the library in memory of Gary M. Nelson. Studying the faith of our forefathers who recognized God's hand in shaping

James Strong's "The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible" is in large print and indexes every word of the Bible. Now, there's a reference book! "When Life and Beliefs Collide" by Carolyn James shows how knowing God makes a difference during challenges, weaving stories of contemporary women with episodes from the life of Mary of Bethany. "Life in the Spirit" is a King James Version study Bible from Zondervan Publishing editors Donald Stamps and John Adams. Jesus' words are in red print. Each page has interpretations and definitions to aid understanding of the translation.

Giving is a popular subject now for method books. "The Power of Half" by Kevin Salwen tells of his family's big decision to stop taking and start giving back. In "29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving Can Change your Life" Cami Walker liked the idea and an organization was founded around the simple, daily practice of altruism.
Stephen Hall's "Wisdom" is a history from its sudden emergence in Greece, China,

The world of professional wrestling is covered by Ted Kluck in "Headlocks and Dropkicks

Lastly, three large books would be fun to peruse in the summertime. "Paris Mon Amour" by Jean-Claude Gautrand contains text in French, German, and English side by side, and the large black and white photos make you feel like you were there when they were taken. "The Summertime Anytime Cookbook" by Dana

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