Preview Shelf by Janice Clauser
Library News and Notable New Books
The collection "Inside Looking Out" has been donated to the Crawfordsville Library by the Antique Study Club in memory of member Ginny Yount, who dedicated 62 short poems written between 1972 and 2000 to her family and friends. In Ginny's honor the Club also gave the library "All God's Creatures Go to Heaven", an original short story by Amy Nolfo-Wheeler illustrated by original paintings of Nancy Noel. Ginny dedicated lots of time and effort to share her art and poetry.

"A Great Unrecorded History" by Wendy Moffat is a review of the life of E.M. Forster, author of "Howard's End", "A Room with a View", and "A Passage to India".
Richard Lederer's "A Treasury for Dog Lovers" holds information, games, and stories like "Why Dogs are better than Cats" and "Ten Commandments for Dog Owners". "The Mind's Eye" by Oliver Sacks tells amazing stories of people who
are able to navigate the world and communicate with others, despite losing what many of us consider indispensable senses and abilities. For all of these people the challenge is to adapt to a radically new way of being in the world.
"Losing Mum and Pup" is Christopher Buckley's memoir of his larger-than-life parents, author and commentator William F. Buckley and charity fundraiser Patricia Taylor Buckley. David Beckmann's "Exodus from Hunger" says we're called to change the politics of those who are starving. His Bread for the World organization is helping to lead the way towards providing food everywhere.
"Weaving Made Easy" by Liz Gipson holds basic instructions, offering 17 beginning projects. Scott Plumlee's "Chain and Bead Jewelry Creative Connections" offers new techniques for wire-wrapping and bead-setting.
In "The Investment Answer" Daniel Goldie teaches managing money to protect
your financial future. (Legal)"Contracts" is a Nolo Essential Business Desk Reference by Richard Stim. "Nolo's Encyclopedia of Everyday Law" answers most general and frequently asked legal questions. The West Nutshell Series booklet called "Federal Disability Law in a Nutshell" comes from Ruth Colker.
Here are books requested by patrons. Linda Porter's "Katherine the Queen" is about the remarkable life of Katherine Parr, last wife of Henry VIII, also showing the
terrifying and exciting world of the Tudor courts. Laura Hillenbrand's "Unbroken" is the unusual World War II story of Lt. Louis Zamperini, whose Army Air Force bomber crashed into the Pacific Ocean in 1943, where he survived on a tiny raft drifting aimlessly. "The Last Boy: Mickey Mantle and the End of America's Childhood" by Jane Leavy draws on 500 interviews with friends, family, teammates, and opponents for the true story of a "luminous and illustrious talent with an achingly damaged soul." Host of national television and radio shows Glenn Beck's "Broke: The
Plan to Restore our Trust, Truth and Treasure" offers his theory how through a return to individual rights, adherence to the Constitution, and a rethinking about the role of government in a free society, we can build a restoration that is the only way forward.
"Why Our Health Matters" is Andrew Weil's vision of medicine that can transform our future, stop making corporations rich, stop making our society poor, and start
each of us on the road to optimum health. "Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It" by Gary Taubes is a new health challenge guide. "Native Trees of the Midwest" is an easy guide to the many varieties of oaks and other trees by Sally Weeks.
The collection "Inside Looking Out" has been donated to the Crawfordsville Library by the Antique Study Club in memory of member Ginny Yount, who dedicated 62 short poems written between 1972 and 2000 to her family and friends. In Ginny's honor the Club also gave the library "All God's Creatures Go to Heaven", an original short story by Amy Nolfo-Wheeler illustrated by original paintings of Nancy Noel. Ginny dedicated lots of time and effort to share her art and poetry.

"A Great Unrecorded History" by Wendy Moffat is a review of the life of E.M. Forster, author of "Howard's End", "A Room with a View", and "A Passage to India".
Richard Lederer's "A Treasury for Dog Lovers" holds information, games, and stories like "Why Dogs are better than Cats" and "Ten Commandments for Dog Owners". "The Mind's Eye" by Oliver Sacks tells amazing stories of people who

"Losing Mum and Pup" is Christopher Buckley's memoir of his larger-than-life parents, author and commentator William F. Buckley and charity fundraiser Patricia Taylor Buckley. David Beckmann's "Exodus from Hunger" says we're called to change the politics of those who are starving. His Bread for the World organization is helping to lead the way towards providing food everywhere.

"Weaving Made Easy" by Liz Gipson holds basic instructions, offering 17 beginning projects. Scott Plumlee's "Chain and Bead Jewelry Creative Connections" offers new techniques for wire-wrapping and bead-setting.
In "The Investment Answer" Daniel Goldie teaches managing money to protect

Here are books requested by patrons. Linda Porter's "Katherine the Queen" is about the remarkable life of Katherine Parr, last wife of Henry VIII, also showing the

"Why Our Health Matters" is Andrew Weil's vision of medicine that can transform our future, stop making corporations rich, stop making our society poor, and start

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