Preview Shelf by Janice Clauser

Speaking as we do this month of the Indianapolis 500, a new book at the Crawfordsville Library tells exactly what's going on; with a preface by Helio Castroneves and a forward by David Letterman, "Indianapolis 500: A Century of Excitement" by Ralph Kramer "captures the thrill of the race…in unparalleled

"The Clockwork Universe" by Edward Dolnick tells about the band of men, including Isaac Newton, who saw a world of perfect order, intricate and regulated, and who actually invented science, revamping our understanding of the world. Philosopher Anthony Appiah's "Honor Code" tells how societies can repudiate immoral customs

"Network Nation" is Richard John's explanation of the first electrical communications

networks in the decades between the Civil War and the First World War when Western Union and the Bell System emerged as the dominant providers for the telegraph and telephones. The invisible alliance that undermines America's interests in the Middle East is explained in "The Arab Lobby" by Mitchell Bard, authority on U.S. Israel relations. How Brad Stevens and the Butler Bulldogs marched their way to the brink of college basketball's national championship is the subject of David Woods' "Underdawgs"; it's a David versus Goliath tale, though losing to Duke, the Bulldogs proved they belonged in the game and won the respect of people who were not

A book designed to make us all kind of jealous is "The 100 Thing Challenge" because Dave Bruno got rid of almost everything he owned, remade his life, and regained his soul. "365 Ways to Live Cheap!" by Trent Hamm, founder of, shares his ten biggest tips for living cheap, which include taking little steps, not big

"A Murder of Crows" by P.F. Chisholm is a Sir Robert Carey story of the year 1592 when the son of Mary Boleyn and Henry VIII desires the solution to the identity of a badly decomposed corpse that's washed up from the Thames River. Next, the world

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